Not much happening on Saturday, though. Babah came home late as he had a lunch meeting then for dinner, Mummy expressed desire for any food in Subang Parade because she had a RM 5 voucher from MPH that expired that very day.
Sunday was a novelty. Since ITM’s tennis court aren’t ready yet, the classes had to be cancelled until April. So what do we do, what do we do ?
Mummy instructed Cik Yin to wake up Esya and Anna early. Cik Yin very sceptical as both of them are not early risers but Mummy did not care. Her girls must come with her. At 7.30 am Cik Yin announced that only Esya was raring to go, Anna refused to wake up. Mummy wouldn’t take NO from a 3 year old.
Luckily when she got home (well Tok Mi’s house would always be home), Esya was dressed and Anna baru nak mandi. Quickly bathed her, then off we go to KLCC’s playground !! Yeay !!
Armed with sausage buns (but no drinks !! Yikes !! Lupa.) off we went marching in. The day was beautiful and the kids were excited. We took the long route to the playground from the car park and the babies jumped, ran and skipped all the way, shouting happily.

As the norm when you are given too much choices you just wouldn’t know what to do first so they sampled and checked everything until Mummy and Babah got quite fed up and asked them to play at each set for at least 10 minutes. Can’t blame them really as it rained the night before and most of the slides were wet but luckily there were janitors wiping them dry, but of course they weren’t fast enough for Mummy’s eager children.
Anna takut-takut so Babah had to join in. Don't think he minded... ha ha
We stopped because Ana was thirsty and since Mummy forgot drinks, they quenched their thirst at the very nice water cooler. Umar of course demanded food and therefore Babah took us to A&W. We regret that decision.
First of all, they don’t sell waffles before 11 am. What the … ? Waffles are for breakfast, don’t you know ? Luckily they had pancakes and fortunately Elsa is the nicest girl on earth as she agreed to share with Esya who changed her mind about not eating. Both of them polished off their plate clean. Umar who also ordered pancakes, took a fancy to Mummy’s chicken porridge so Mummy had to share. It was an unfair sharing because Umar ate like 70% of it.
Secondly the service was slooowwww…. Slow to the max. There weren’t many people so Mummy and Babah couldn’t understand their snail pace. It was frustrating. Mummy was eyeing the delicious array of food La Cucuq offered and was tempted to partake their offerings. She succumbed to the cucuq udang’s calling and quaffed them in A&W’s premise.
Before leaving KLCC, Mummy went in search of a pair of blue jeans, required for a gathering next week. Found it and Babah paid for it so yeay !! Ha ha
Abah kena lagi.... Anna nih...
The kids resumed their playing at home where Mummy and Babah gratefully sank their behinds on the very comfy sofa and watched the telly. By 3 pm Anna was asking for her ayah so we sent them home.
Babah stopped for goreng pisang and that was the best decision he ever made as we found kites ! Kites !! Yeay !! We were happy because our last kite might still be inside a drain at the kontinjen polis. As soon as we got home Umar and Elsa started playing with the kites and in the process got the strings tangled. The wind was dismal anyway. Babah then drove us to the park in front of the mosque and the kites flew !! How it flew… it was majestic. Umar and Elsa ran around happily, marveling at their soaring kites.
We wished Anna and Esya were still with us. Babah brought Umar’s football and they played together. Babah asked Umar to take off his shoes. Mummy cautioned Babah that Umar wouldn’t like it very much and was she right. Reminded Mummy of a time when we went to a Jamaican festival in Leicester. It was a nice summer day and we put baby Umar on the grass. He wasn’t happy at it’s ticklish nature and made faces. The same face he made 8 years later in Shah Alam…. Ha ha !!
“It is very tickly lah, Babah…!” He protested, forehead furrowed. Told you, Bah. However since Umar is rather obedient, he did as he was told and soon forgot about the grass and was happy running around with Babah.

Elsa though was happy enough with her kite and had a super-licious time whizzing and zipping around the park with her kite up high.

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