Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, July 30, 2007

An eventful weekend

What a weekend Abang and Adik had. They started with a makan2 at Amir’s house where they played non-stop with the host and later Ayesha. The party broke up at half past midnight.

Then they started early next day too. By 11 am they arrived at Ayesha’s new house and inspected her great new abode. Mummy and Babah liked the breezy and un-hectic neighborhood.

They were joined by Amir at 12 pm and the party proceeded to Lukman and Baby Umar’s house for a visit. Luke ( as per Uncle Sib ) was not around but they played, all 4 of them again. Babah was holding the gorgeous ( and pouty lipped Baby Umar – Hey Umar, Mick Jagger called and wants his lips back !! I tell you even Angelina Jolie pun jealous tengok his stunning lips ! ) Baby Umar when he couldn’t take it any longer. Baby Umar let out excited screams, wanting to join in the game. Aunty Amelia took Baby Umar from Babah and let him join in the play. He was so clever, playing with the big boys and girls.

We left Aunty Jubei’s house around 2.30 pm ( we thought we were going to follow Aunty Kamalia from behind, but when Mummy entered the car, Babah quickly swung the car around and headed home at full speed. Babah needed the toilet which is really typical of him… ).

We rested for awhile before leaving for a birthday party at Pantai Dalam. Nadirah, Babah’s cousin, Uncle Eddie’s daughter, 10th birthday party. We partied and played games again and by 9 pm we slept like a baby… which we still are anyway. Anyway on the way to Nadirah's party, Mummy instructed Adik to present her presants to her, Adik asked in a quiet voice, " What is her name ? " He he..... clever girl, she knows you have to wish somebody a Happy Birthday with the name attached it.

Mummy was pleased. She liked being in a group of people who are fond of each other and not fighting who has the biggest salary, the most important jobs and the cleverest kids. She is tired of that kind of group and she believes being with friends should be relaxing and fun. Not stressed.

There, everybody accepted that each other’s job is important, not measured by the size of their paycheck. They exchanged stories of their jobs and no bragging was involved. Everybody was interested in each other’s work and the stories told.

This circle of friends also accepted that every kid is clever and laughed at each child’s antics and agreed how clever each and everyone of them is. Like how clever of Ayesha thinking her kehidupan is better now that they live in a bigger house or Amir’s clever use of the word either. The moms commented on how clever Ayesha at finishing her plate. We also made a date to take Amir to an Engineering class which he is very interested in. No jealousy here. Everybody genuinely wanted every child to get what he/she wants and to help in any way they could. Each set of parents took a real delight on all the children’s antics, their own or not.

Mummy is really tired of being in a self-important, bragging environment. But how could she get out of it ?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Adik tattling

“ Mummy… “ Adik whispered. “ My croco-dial is missing … “.

“ Your crocodile ? What crocodile ? “

“ Croco-dial yang kita beli dekat zoo…. “

“ Okay…..”

“ Hannah took it Mum… “ She whispered again, eyes wide.

“ Okay… And then what ? “

“ I told Hannah mum. I told Hannah mummy not allow play with the croco-dial. She doesn’t listen mum.. “

“ Okay…… “

“ She hit the croco-dial on the floor. Dah pecah…. “ She whispered again. All the while she was saying all these, I was thinking how cute could she get ?

“ So whose fault is that ? “ She suddenly straightened her body.

“ Hannah mum. Not Adik fault. “

“ No Adik. If it is your toy, it is always your fault. “

“ Hannah doesn’t listen Mum…… “ She insisted.

“ Okay, that is fine. But if she broke it, it should still be around. Where is it ? “ I asked.

“ Dalam bilik study…. “ she said. She sometimes refers her room as bilik study. I don’t know why.

“ Just now you said it is missing ? “

“ In my room !! “ She said again.

“ Okay, show me…. “

Quiet. Eyes getting bigger.

“ I love you Mum…. “ She hugged me and showered me with kisses.

Hmmm……………. Where did she intend for the conversation to go ?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Art class pulak

I checked out one art class at section 9 on Saturday. Abang is very keen on arts and wants to attend the arts and crafts classes at Klinik Adek every Saturday. His father though thinks that if he is that interested, why not we find him a real class.

There are 2 at that seksyen, both on the same row of shops. I contacted both and chose to visit Ivy’s because they teach Mandarin too. So off we went after piano class. Ivy showed all the drawings her students had done and we sat for the last 20 minutes of her class. Adik and Abang wanted to try and so joined the next class.

Waaa…. My children have no shame, whatsoever. All the children were quiet, except for mine. They keep calling the teacher to come and look at their progress and asked loads of questions. The theme of the day was drawing and colouring the ocean. They have to draw the sun and birds too.

When Ivy was giving them pointers on how to draw the birds, she said, “ Please do not draw the wings to small aaa…. After the birds won’t be able to fly… “. Then my smart-mouth son added, “ Because if the wings are too small, it will not be able to carry the birds. The birds are too heavy….. “. Okay mister. This is not science, it is arts. Mortified, I pretended to look elsewhere.

After awhile, the teacher gasped. My heart skipped a beat. “ Look at this little girl. She drew clouds. Aiiyyaa… I have missed the clouds. Okay everybody, please add a few clouds…. “ she instructed. Abang looked at his sister and beamed, “ Adik, you are so clever…. “. I was again mortified when my daughter said, “ I know…. “ and blinked her eyes dramatically.

After all the colouring with crayons done, Adik’s work is finished. Abang was not though as he has to fill the white space with water colour. Adik gasped when Abang held a paint brush in his hand.

“ Hey, what is the big idea ? Where is my brush ? “

“ No Adik. You are to small to use paint okay ? You use crayons only… “ said the teacher.

I hissed at Adik to come to me. She came, face thunderous. I told her to sit next to me. She sat for a few seconds then went back to her teacher.

“ Teacher, I want to paint.”

“ No.. you cannot aaa…. Because you are too small…. “.

“ Adik, come here and sit with me… “ said me again.

That girl gave me a petulant look and leaned to her teacher, “ Teacher look at my mummy. She keep calling me to sit down… “.

Waa….. geramnya aku. Kalau kat rumah tu memang dah kutil – kutil dah….

Abang is no better. He kept calling the teacher over and giving suggestions on how to make the picture better. Pantang ciikgu tu bergerak tengok students lain, Abang dah panggil. I hissed and hissed for them not to hog the teacher so much until I could feel my tongue splitting in two.

Adik followed the teacher everywhere, telling her about her cousins and her toys. I kept telling her to not bother the Ivy as she has other students, but she ignored me. I fully intended to enroll them in the class as Abang is very interested and I can see Adik benefiting too. But I was afraid Ivy will tell me although she will be thrilled to accept Abang ( under one condition : That he remains quiet during class ) but she cannot teach Adik !

That is why when the class finished, I quickly waved the month’s fees to her. Luckily she accepted. Next week, I am just going to leave them there.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Japanese class Mummy

Amelia and I enrolled in a Japanese class at UiTM. Our first class was yesterday. We were of course late, as working people are wont to do and was surprised to see a different lecturer from the one we were introduced to on Tuesday during orientation.

This guy was good though as he forced us to practice on each other.

Of course I went home and eagerly demonstrated to my son what I learnt.

“ Hajimameshite ! Watashi wa **** desu. Dozo yoroshiku ! “ and bowed. Abang was delighted. Since he is used to learning a foreign language, he quickly emulated me.

“ Hajimemeshite ( part ni dia salah sikit ) ! Watashi wa Abang desu ! “ but instead of bowing he clasped his hands together like a Buddhist.

Waaaa ha ha… salah he……
But the sweet thing was when I got home, they were already waiting for me at the door. When I got out of the car, Abang smiled at me and asked " How was your class Mum ? Any good ? "
I was touched because he cared. " Well yes ! " said I.
He then asked me to teach him a few phrases, things that I haven't learnt yet.
" Abang, today was my first class. Of course I don't know how to say that... ".
" Okay Mum.... but can you ask your teacher next time. I am very curious... "
He he ... curious..... Good. Keep on being curious and inquisitive. I like that.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Abang, Abang

What a day last Wednesday was. I was taking a leisurely shower when I heard my name called repeatedly. I ignored them because well, as I was saying, it was a leisurely shower. Then I heard Adik calling my name. Again I ignored her. Then there was a sharp knock on the door. Can’t ignore that one… sigh…

I yelled out a “what ?” when I heard Babah’s mom’s voice. I was told to go to school to check up on Abang. Ai ya ya ya ya…

I quickly bathed, put on my work clothes, which I had thankfully, chosen and hanged on the closet door. I then raced to school. On the way there, Babah’s sister called me to inform me of what had happened. During the morning assembly, Abang had inserted a pebble into his nose and that particular pebble had remain lodged inside his nose despite his repeated attempt to take it out.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. When I called my boss to warn him of my late arrival to work, he laughed. Yup….

Anyway, I went to his class. His teacher showed me the pebble, wrapped in tissue and handed me the doctor’s bill. RM 25 to get a pebble that my son had willingly put in his nostril out.

When he saw me, his face went white. His classmates though were excited and crowded around me, each with their own version of the tale. Abang dared not approach me. Pn Wan shooed them away and my son was pushed to me.

I looked at him and he looked at me. I asked why with just my shoulders, hand gesture and questioning face. No word came out of my mouth. He shrugged and shook his head.

Mum : What was the big idea ?

Abang : Nothing.

Mum : Why did you put it in your nose ?

Abang : I want to shoot it out my nose…. I am sorry Mummy.

Mum : You know, if it had one up further they would have to operate you, you know. You will have scars so huge, you will not be handsome anymore.

Abang : Okay Mum. I am sorry.

Teacher Wan then came to me. According to her, the assembly had not started yet when Abang approached her. He told her there was a pebble in his nose and he couldn’t get out. She was shocked and was quite worried because he had started sneezing. They then took him to the clinic. She said luckily Abang was very calm while the doctor tried to take it out of him, because if he struggled they had to take him to the hospital.

When they asked him why he did it, he said “ Saja nak test… “. Waaa………….

Abang's face was contrite while I was talking to his teacher. I didn’t know what else to say and I left after saying goodbye to Pn Wan and Pn Zalida and thanking them profusely.

I called my husband up to mengadu. He laughed. Lunchtime he called Abang up. Abang refused to talk to him. When he had no choice but to talk to his father, before Babah could say anything, he apologized and then handed the phone to Adik.

He was teased mercilessly from then on. Mercilessly…… he he.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Take it easy, Mum

Abang is so going to write a memoir of his life when he is grown. It will be titled “ My crazy Mummy and I. “ Hmmm…………

On Tuesday Babah had to attend his company dinner. So I took my children out. Abang jumped in the front seat first and Adik whined because she too wants the much coveted seat. Since Abang was there first fairly and squarely, I told Adik she can sit in front on our return home.

I could feel her sulking behind me.

When we get to UiTM café, Adik walked with both her arms folded. I then teased her to get her smiling again. She started crying instead. How can I take a crying child to dinner ?

I turned my family back to the car and tried to make her quiet. All my kind questions were ignored which of course then turned into orders for her to hush and my shooting daggers stares came to naught. I didn’t want to bribe or pujuk because her behavior was unacceptable. I didn’t want her to think that she has the one-upsmanship on me with her cryings.

Then I sent Abang to do the job. He too was unsuccessful. I then asked Abang to get inside the car and I started the ignition. As I sat there in my car with the background of my daughter howling like there is no tomorrow, I was reminded of a time when Abang was younger and started to wail at the supermarket because I refused to buy him something. I did what all parents should do ( according to me and my way of parenting lah. I have to say, it is not for everyone ) wailed a few times louder than him. I stopped at throwing tantrums and rolling on the floor of course, but I did wail and stomped my feet. People looked but I got what I wanted. Abang stopped crying. My antics embarrassed him. Ha ha.. back at ya, my son. Back at ya…

So, I started to scream. My children who rarely hear my raised voice were shocked. Adik stopped crying immediately and looked at me in terror. She then let out a little repressed cry and I started screaming again. Just a healthy ‘Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!! ‘.

When I looked at Abang, his eyes were wide and his face.. well was priceless. He came to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “ Take it easy Mummy. Take it easy, “ he said while rubbing my arms.

When we returned home, Adik was quiet and Abang had a thoughtful look on his face. They went to bed straight away without protests. I left their door ajar so that I could see the going-ons in the room. Abang scrambled to his sister as soon as he thought I had close the door and gave her a hug.

“ Please don’t cry anymore Adik. You know Mummy tak suka, “. Adik gave a teary “ Okay Abang. “.

“ Mummy is old and tired Adik, “ He reminded her. Cess !

“ I’m sorry Abang. “

I let them be. Let them reflect on the happenings of the day as I need to sit down and reflect too.

The next morning, as I was preparing Abang for school, I heard him called my name. When I looked at him, he smiled but with a mature look on his face.

“ Mummy, next time kalau Adik cry, you don’t go crazy okay Mummy ? “

“ Oh? “ said I .

“ Just take it easy Mum… “ was all he said and hugged me.

Hmmm………. So who taught whom a lesson ?

Would he had felt differently about it if I had always been a yeller ?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My men.....

Yesterday morning, I did my Subuh with my son only. Babah was detained somewhere else…( he he read : in the toilet ).

Anyway, of course I was in front. My son is not ready to lead and whenever we pray together we would usually recite the prayers out loud to perfect his reading. As I was about to say my Bismillah, I heard a hoarse voice reciting the Qamat behind me. I was shocked because he did it without me asking him. Usually his Babah would do it, and him stepping in, in his Babah’s absence moved me beyond belief.

I did not turn while he was doing it because I was afraid I would cry. I did anyway. I was weeping with joy. When he finished, I hugged him close and very, very tight. After prayers, I quickly ran to find Babah to tell him of my wonderful experience. As I swung the toilet door open, I saw my husband taking the wuduq. That is the sexiest thing I have ever seen my husband do. He looked so sexy as he bent down and covered his arms with water. When he looked at me questioningly, I just smiled and withdrew.

My men…. What a sentimental day for me.