Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

A tall wedgie loving girl

“Mummy… hari tu kan ada budak kan …. Bagi saya wedgie, Mummy….”

“Eh ?”

“Iya !! Botol…(betul)… dia buat saya ada wedgie…”

I couldn’t imagine a tudung clad or a ketayap wearer giving my daughter a wedgie so I stared at her in disbelief.

“Takde lah…” Said I again.

“Iya…! Ada !!” She insisted.

“Okay, sapa nama dia ??” Asked I, closing my book because I had the insight that the conversation I’m having will be more fun than my book.

“Emm… Saya tak tahulah. She is a new girl. She is 6 years old, but she is new….”

Hmm…. Very shifty, I thought. Last week she told me of a friend who had a pet snake. She informed me that since she only wants a rabbit, not a snake, she doesn’t see the reason why I should refuse her a hoppy bunny. “Mummy nak rabbit ke snake ?” She asked. “Errmm… rabbit ?” I answered even though I already know what her closing argument would be. And as expected she answered triumphantly, “See ? I did not ask for a snake… you don’t want a snake kan, Mummy ? You want a rabbit kan ?”

I am her mother, so I do know how to handle the little one. “So… sapa nak basuh taik dia ?” Her eyes were round and humongous. “Mummy lah….” She answered bravely, finger pointed at me. “No…..” Said I. But then, she is my daughter therefore she also knew how to handle me. ‘Why do you always say no, huh Mummy ?”


Anyway back to my original story.

Her answer when I asked for the girl’s name ? “I don’t know because she is sooo tall… She is this size …(she gestured a point way above her head) and I am only this size..” two palms above one another, showing the size of a pixie. He he…

Hmmm… “So what happened ?” I persisted.

“Dia baru kan… lepas tu saya kata, “Hey… let’s talk …” And lepas tu she gave me a wedgie, Mummy !!”

I burst out laughing. Kalau ikutkan hati nak tergolek atas lantai… but I didn’t. Let’s talk indeed… Ha ha….

Betul ke cerita ko ni Elsa….


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