Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My nieces

I miss my nieces. Since Umar and Elsa go home after school, I hardly ever see my 2 girls. So 2 nights ago I ajak Babah to bawak Esya and Ana keluar dinner. Ana is always game, she is very rajin that one, but Esya is a different matter. She loves to stay home and usually malas nak keluar. Nak tengok tv lah, nak tidur lah, nanti ayah cari lah…. Ada aje alasan dia. Mummy vows that she will do something to get Esya out of her laziness.

So imagine my surprise when Babah honked the car, both of them came running out of the house.

“Esya ikut ke ? Esya ikut Mummy ke ?” Asked the very excited Mummy.

“Mummy ! Mummy !” Cried Ana happily. Tapi Esya went,

“Is that Abang U-um ?? Abang U-um ! Abang U-um !!” She yelled while frantically looking for her shoes.

“Esya ikut Mummy ke ?” Asked me, still could not quite believe it.

“Abang U-um ! Abang U-um ! I saw abang U-um tadi !! Is that abang U-um ?” She ignored my questions and kept on with her abang U-um.

“Sapa Abang U-um tu, Sya ? Umar ke ?” Asked me in a frown. Abang U-um ? I know Umar liked to use his title whenever it suited him but I never heard anybody calls him that on a permanent basis.

“Ha ! Abang U-um !! Abang U-um !! There he is ! I saw him kat sekolah tadi, Mummy !! Abang U-um ambik hadiah. Is that really Abang U-um !!” She was all-euphoric, yelling and jumping at the same time.

I looked at her questioningly then Kak Idah, my mom’s maid came out.

“Dia rindu tu, Jang ! Kan dah lama tak datang…” Lepas tu Kak Idah pulak menjerit-jerit, “Umar !! Titi !!” and ran to the car, arms waving and trying to get hugs and kisses from my children. Kelakar gilo eeii dia orang ni. Rindu bebenor.

In the car I asked Esya why she called Umar abang U-um. Marlin helpfully answered, “Haii…. Umar kan paksa dia orang panggil dia abang Umar… Dia kan boss….” Umar grinned sheepishly at his parents who just shook their heads. Gila kuasa budak ni.

“Tadi at school saya nampak abang Umar ambik hadiah, Mummy !” Said Esya excitedly.

“Really, baby ?” Said Mummy, stroking her face fondly. “You did not point your finger and say, “Hey !! That’s my cousin !!” out loud ke ?” He he… cheekily planting havoc-inducing ideas to my progeny.

“No !! I did not but I did jumpa dia when dia jalan..” Said Esya.

“A-ah, Mummy. She called me when she was beratur tu pergi class….” Said Umar and then I couldn’t say anything anymore because Esya was busy talking and laughing with Umar. Rindu sangat gamaknya tu.

We had a lovely dinner where Ana refused the orange juice we ordered for her but instead wanted Babah’s ‘ayer gash….’.

When we got to my mom’s house after dinner, Ana looked stricken and worried. She refused to get out of the car.

“Titi sayang Ana…” Said Ana, face unhappy, stabbing her cute finger to her chest repeatedly.


Ana memang sayang Titi. When my kids were with my mom, every late afternoon when I came to pick my children Ana would be distressed because I came to take Titi away. Her trick is usually, “Ana nak tidur, Titi tidur Ana…” and off Ana would go to her room, tugging Titi along and they will baring and Ana would pat her bum as a signal for Titi to do that to her. So Titi pun pok-pok lah Ana’s tooshie, sambil nyanyi-nyanyi. Of course since it was 7 pm, who in the right mind could fall asleep ?

If I tried to tell her that Titi has to go home, Mummy is tired, Mummy nak sembahyang blah, blah, blah.. she would start wailing. Worse if she crossed her arms, lips in a pout and announced importantly “Ana ajuk ni…”

“Titi sayang Ana !!” Said Ana again, face so sad.

“Titi kiss Ana okay ? Titi sayang Ana…” Said kakak Titi pulak.

“Nanti Titi datang rumah Tok, okay ?” Pandai Titi pujuk.

“Titi sayang Ana….” She said again. Sedih hati Mummy tengok tapi Umar dah nak lelap (boys and their 9.30 pm bed time theory). But I cannot see Ana like that. I was about to say, “Okaylah,jom masuk sekejap…” Ana climbed down the car, waved at Titi and run shrieking happily into the house. Cepat betul berubah mood budak ni. Belum ada PMS lagi tuh… he he….

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