Yesterday Dan and I arrived home before Umar did. While I was changing my bed sheets, Umar came back and I heard Yana downstairs. Tak sempat turun Bibik came up with Yana in tow. I looked outside and Cik Ta was just backing out of the driveway.
Seram gak sebab Yana ni bukannya nak ngan orang sangat. Yang dia sayang Cik Ta je. Orang lain sekejap okay, sekejap tak nak kawan. Like when we took her and her sister out shopping for shoes. Dengar je I was to take them to buy shoes, nampak aku je terus terkam. She slept in the car on the way home and when she woke up, Dan lalu depan pun dia marah. Itu lah Yana. Kacang lupakan kulit kata Dan yang keluarkan duit beli baju and kasut raya… he he…
Aku tengok dia tersengih-sengih kat aku, I thought .. “Hmmm okay kot…..”. I love having her and her sister around because I really do love them….
Anyway, fed her, played with her took pictures, posing sana posing sini and baru nak buka suddenly, “Cik Ta ane ?” Sudah. Dan and I looked at each other.
“Cik Ta o-ok lah Ana…” Said me.
“Cik Ta ANE ?” She said. Muka comel sungguh.
“O-ok lahh… “ Said me. Dan had started rummaging the cabinet looking for something that would interest her.
“Tak… Cik Ta tak o-okkk !!” She answered, going round and round the kitchen.
“Lah… Ana kata nak pegi Teko (Tesco) kan ?” She stopped and looked interested.
“Ha…. Tapi Cik Ta ane ?”
“Ana nak beli apa ?” Said me trying to distract her and mentally strangling Cik Ta.
“Bubbles ! Yeay !!” She said, jumping up and down. Just before buka, Bibik successfully found something that she likes, and plopped her in front of the telly with Elsa.
Took her upstairs after that and while Dan and I prayed, she jumped up and down the bed with Elsa, pretending to be bunnies. Yang tensionnya when she is in a bedroom, the door must be closed. Instructions of “Tutup intu (pintu) Bah/Mummy/Umar/Titi” were given out frequently. Raja sungguh !!
Went to Tesco and in the car she listed out her needs, “Ana nak bubbles and ebit…” Dan looked at me. “Ape kebendanya pulak tu ?” Aku pun tak tahu.
Then she sang “Ana nak ebit. Ana nak beli ebit..” over and over again.
Finally it hit me. “Ohh… rabbit kot Dan….” Their rabbits died 2 weeks after it became Ana’s and Esya’s, which is quite a good record really when you compared to two small turtles that died after two days belonging to Umar and Elsa.
Suddenly she whipped out a book and showed it to us. “Ni !! Ebit ni ! Ebit ni ! Okay Bah ?” She said, fat finger pointing at picture of a rabbit. Babah and Mummy sengih aje, picturing the trouble brewing ahead. But Ana is a good girl, really.… senang pujuk….
Sampai-sampai Teko I showed her a book with a picture of a rabbit in front of it. She grabbed it and declared “Ini Ana punya, okay ?” Yelah, Na. Suka hati. Elsa also took a book but Umar couldn’t find anything that he likes. However he was insistent that he should buy something also as adik-adik dapat barang. Baru nak nasihat, he said “Mummy how would you feel if other people have something and you don’t ?” I chose to ignore him especially since he found some toy cars that took his fancy. You have so many of those Umar, tak payahlah…
Anyway, in the car I gave Ana the jelly cups she requested. Elsa asked for one. “Tak leh. Ni Ana nya…” Which is normal for Ana. She will give in eventually but you have to work hard for it.
“Give me some lah…. Kan banyak tuh…. ?” I am very proud of Elsa the way she treats Yana. Although she is the baby of the house and Dan’s parents’ youngest grandchild, she is very patient with Yana. Untuk a little girl yang tak ada adik, dia memang pandai mengalah.
“Ana nangis kang, Titi …” Warned Ana. Tergelak Babah and Mummy kat depan.
After that Yana wanted to sit on my lap. She then took our gate remote and said “Ana nak umah Mummy….” Dan and I looked at each other. Baru sat dah menggagau cari Cik Ta, whole night ?
“Ana nak ukak gate. Umar bukak Umar tutup aje. Ana ulak…” She said, her face in a frown.
“Ana tak nak ayah ke ?” I asked, trying to dissuade her. I would love for her to stay with me, in fact tinggal terus pun tak pe, but I know she would be looking for her father and my mother nanti.
“Ayah ? Oohh….. ayah…” Her face lit up, thinking about her father.
Dan and I sengih lega but…. “Ayah esok…” She added, giving us a lovely smile.
Aduih !!
When we got to my mom’s house, we saw her father and sister outside. Esya was holding Ana’s pampers and pyjamas. Apparently they were about to fetch her. My brother wagged his finger at her.
“Naughty girl…. Pegi tak cakap ayah !!”
“Ana nak ido umah Mummy !!” She announced. Ayah held his daughter tight.
“Nanti okay ? Weekend ni kita tidur rumah Mummy, kay ?”
“Ana nak umah Mummy !!” she said as we drove off.
Seram gak sebab Yana ni bukannya nak ngan orang sangat. Yang dia sayang Cik Ta je. Orang lain sekejap okay, sekejap tak nak kawan. Like when we took her and her sister out shopping for shoes. Dengar je I was to take them to buy shoes, nampak aku je terus terkam. She slept in the car on the way home and when she woke up, Dan lalu depan pun dia marah. Itu lah Yana. Kacang lupakan kulit kata Dan yang keluarkan duit beli baju and kasut raya… he he…
Aku tengok dia tersengih-sengih kat aku, I thought .. “Hmmm okay kot…..”. I love having her and her sister around because I really do love them….
Anyway, fed her, played with her took pictures, posing sana posing sini and baru nak buka suddenly, “Cik Ta ane ?” Sudah. Dan and I looked at each other.
“Cik Ta o-ok lah Ana…” Said me.
“Cik Ta ANE ?” She said. Muka comel sungguh.
“O-ok lahh… “ Said me. Dan had started rummaging the cabinet looking for something that would interest her.
“Tak… Cik Ta tak o-okkk !!” She answered, going round and round the kitchen.
“Lah… Ana kata nak pegi Teko (Tesco) kan ?” She stopped and looked interested.
“Ha…. Tapi Cik Ta ane ?”
“Ana nak beli apa ?” Said me trying to distract her and mentally strangling Cik Ta.
“Bubbles ! Yeay !!” She said, jumping up and down. Just before buka, Bibik successfully found something that she likes, and plopped her in front of the telly with Elsa.
Took her upstairs after that and while Dan and I prayed, she jumped up and down the bed with Elsa, pretending to be bunnies. Yang tensionnya when she is in a bedroom, the door must be closed. Instructions of “Tutup intu (pintu) Bah/Mummy/Umar/Titi” were given out frequently. Raja sungguh !!
Went to Tesco and in the car she listed out her needs, “Ana nak bubbles and ebit…” Dan looked at me. “Ape kebendanya pulak tu ?” Aku pun tak tahu.
Then she sang “Ana nak ebit. Ana nak beli ebit..” over and over again.
Finally it hit me. “Ohh… rabbit kot Dan….” Their rabbits died 2 weeks after it became Ana’s and Esya’s, which is quite a good record really when you compared to two small turtles that died after two days belonging to Umar and Elsa.
Suddenly she whipped out a book and showed it to us. “Ni !! Ebit ni ! Ebit ni ! Okay Bah ?” She said, fat finger pointing at picture of a rabbit. Babah and Mummy sengih aje, picturing the trouble brewing ahead. But Ana is a good girl, really.… senang pujuk….
Sampai-sampai Teko I showed her a book with a picture of a rabbit in front of it. She grabbed it and declared “Ini Ana punya, okay ?” Yelah, Na. Suka hati. Elsa also took a book but Umar couldn’t find anything that he likes. However he was insistent that he should buy something also as adik-adik dapat barang. Baru nak nasihat, he said “Mummy how would you feel if other people have something and you don’t ?” I chose to ignore him especially since he found some toy cars that took his fancy. You have so many of those Umar, tak payahlah…
Anyway, in the car I gave Ana the jelly cups she requested. Elsa asked for one. “Tak leh. Ni Ana nya…” Which is normal for Ana. She will give in eventually but you have to work hard for it.
“Give me some lah…. Kan banyak tuh…. ?” I am very proud of Elsa the way she treats Yana. Although she is the baby of the house and Dan’s parents’ youngest grandchild, she is very patient with Yana. Untuk a little girl yang tak ada adik, dia memang pandai mengalah.
“Ana nangis kang, Titi …” Warned Ana. Tergelak Babah and Mummy kat depan.
After that Yana wanted to sit on my lap. She then took our gate remote and said “Ana nak umah Mummy….” Dan and I looked at each other. Baru sat dah menggagau cari Cik Ta, whole night ?
“Ana nak ukak gate. Umar bukak Umar tutup aje. Ana ulak…” She said, her face in a frown.
“Ana tak nak ayah ke ?” I asked, trying to dissuade her. I would love for her to stay with me, in fact tinggal terus pun tak pe, but I know she would be looking for her father and my mother nanti.
“Ayah ? Oohh….. ayah…” Her face lit up, thinking about her father.
Dan and I sengih lega but…. “Ayah esok…” She added, giving us a lovely smile.
Aduih !!
When we got to my mom’s house, we saw her father and sister outside. Esya was holding Ana’s pampers and pyjamas. Apparently they were about to fetch her. My brother wagged his finger at her.
“Naughty girl…. Pegi tak cakap ayah !!”
“Ana nak ido umah Mummy !!” She announced. Ayah held his daughter tight.
“Nanti okay ? Weekend ni kita tidur rumah Mummy, kay ?”
“Ana nak umah Mummy !!” she said as we drove off.
Sayang Ana… tonight we try okay ? Bawak Kakak sekali.
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