Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Spoon vs saucer

Had breakfast at Azira this morning before kelas mengaji. A fight ensued due to Abang drinking his the tarik in a saucer. When his tea arrived, he went to get the saucer, asked me to pour it for him. As he pulled it towards him, Adik handed him a spoon.

Adik : Nah spoon, Abang.

Abang : I don’t want it.

Adik : Use the spoon Abang, nanti tak tumpah. See ? See ?

And she demonstrated the usage of spoon for drinking.

Adik : See ? I’m clean….
Abang : Tak nak. Jangan kacau lah….

Adik : Abang… nanti tumpah lah….Mummy marah.

Abang : Tak … ! Don’t disturb me lah Adik. Abang nak makan !!

Abang : Makan lah !! ( Dengan muka berkerut – kerut )

I was not looking at them and was concentrating on my food when I heard her gasped. Sure enough, Abang and Adik were looking at his soiled shirt. Abang looked at me and gave me a sheepish smile.

Abang : Sikit saja ( sengih, sengih )

Adik : Look me Mum. I am clean. Tak de pun tumpah. I am so clever.

Mummy : Ha… tulah Abang. Tadi Adik wanted to be nice to you and you marah – marah. Sekarang Allah nak tunjuk Abang. You had never spilt your drink until today, Abang. Tengok tu.

Abang of course cried.

Adik : It’s okay Mummy, sikit saja… kan ? Sikit saja. Next time Abang guna spoon, okay ?

He he….

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mummy and Babah demam

Adik : Mummy demam ke ?

Mummy : A-ah… Sikit…

Adik : O- oh… Mummy panaslah… Mummy demam…

Mummy : Kesian mummy kan ?

Adik : It’s okay Mummy, I will take care of you. Nanti makan ubat and then you put yang lekat kat kepala tu ok ?

Mummy : Ohh… pandai hang noo…. Bila tang hang demam, punya dok merapu tak mau pakai benda tu… Bila kita demam pandai suruh kita lekat kat kepala….

Adik : Mum… I am not demam Mum…..

Mummy : Yelah….

Adik : Mummy kena take your medicine okay ? Then you sleep and rest okay ? Sebab nanti if you are sick you cannot drive…. I cannot go to my class and your boss marah…..

Mummy : My boss ?

Adik : Yes… Mummy, do you know Babah has a fat boss ?

Mummy : Really ? How do you know that ?

Adik : Mum… all boss are fat Mum….

Mummy : Oh ??

Adik : Yes….

He he… tak nak jadi boss lah….

Turn Babah dia pulak…

Adik : Babah demam ke ?

Babah : Yelah Ti. You will take care of me ?

Adik : Yes Bah, I will take care of you. Don’t worry.

And jumped over his Babah to be at his side.

Adik : Where does it hurt, Bah ?

Babah : Sini and sini and sini and sini.

Adik : Okay ..

And she started blowing everywhere.

Adik : Do you feel better ? Adik dah tiup dah ? Dah blow….

Babah : Belum Adik…

Adik : Okay, I try another trick okay ?

And she started to kiss her Babah everywhere.

Adik : Dah kan ? All better. I am so clever….

Hmm… yelah…

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Adik the pesinent

Had breakfast at Azira this morning with my children before sending them to their mengaji class. Abang wolfed down his meehoon soup with gusto and Adik as usual, picked on her food.

“ Okay Mummy, I’m done..” she announced. Her plate was ¾ full.

“ Makan sikit lagi Adik. Next month is your birthday. You cannot be 4 years old and this small, ” said I.

She sighed. “ Mum… makan kat atas berak kat bawah…”. I raised my brows.

“ Makan sikit lagi, Adik…” said I again.

“ Mum… I am the pesinent. I can do whatever I want…”

This is the second time I heard the word pesinent. Since Abang was handily available for translation work, I asked him what it meant.

“ President…” he said simply, mouth full of meehoon.

Amboi, amboi, amboi……

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Adik talking

I am very proud of Adik and her talking prowess. Oh, let me gloat, as I am a mother of children who decided to start talking when they neared 3.

Anyway, yesterday we were in Shah Alam Mall and as I was walking hand in hand with my little baby, she slipped. Babah and Mummy of course sniggered while Abang gave out a huge colossal laugh.

“ It is not funny !! ” Said the embarrassed tyke.

Of course Abang exaggerated another laugh and Mummy and Babah laughed out loud.

“ It is not funny at all !! ” She said and giggled herself. What a good sport.

When we got home and put them to bed, Adik snuggled close to her brother.

“ Adik !! Get away from me ! You are squishing me…” Said Abang.

Adik pretended she didn’t hear him and closed her eyes.

“ Mummy, make her sleep in her own bed because I don’t like being squished !! ”

I sighed and gently suggested that she sleeps in her own bed.

She went deeper into the duvet, smiled and me, eyes wide with mischief and said, “ Mum… it is better here. I am so comfortable…. ”. She did look all comfy and snuggly that I haven’t had the heart to make her leave.

Strategy baik punya….

When she was smaller, I couldn’t see the resemblance between brother and sister at all. Lately though I have noticed there are some facial resemblance but it ends at their huge eyes. The similarities are more evident in their mannerisms.

Last Monday Abang and Adik started kelas mengaji at Sekolah Ibnu Majah in Seksyen 8. Adik is of course very excited because even though it is only an hour a day but she is already officially a school-going child ( she is keeping up with her “ Esok Babah work ? Mummy ? Abang ? ” and when it got to her and the answer is now a yes, she would close her eyes and smile happily, cute head nodding….. kesian sungguh budak ni ).

When I came back from work on Monday she came running to me and announced happily, “ Mummy I have a friend !! She talked to me and we played … ! ” I smiled at her and asked what is her friend’s name. She looked at me and said, “ Owang. ” Okay and I asked her what is her ustaz’s name. Again the same look and said, “ Owang. ”

I squinted my eyes at her and asked, “ They have the same name ? ” Again she looked at me, this time a sort of far-away look, like she ceased looking at me anymore eventhough her eyes were trained on me. I know that look so well. I call it Abang’s thinking look. It would come about when I asked him a difficult question and he would be quiet, presumably thinking with that look upon his face, so much like what his sister was doing.

I looked at away. I got all emotional, mourning for the look my son stopped giving me.

Oh, merepeknya aku.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Not only girls who just wanna have fun...

One day, I asked Adik a Million Dollars question, “ Why are you so noisy, Adik ? ” and she answered with “ Because I want to have fun Mummy… ”.

I replied with, “ Oh ? You need to make a lot of noise when you are having fun ? ” and she replied, “ Yes Mum. I like to do fun stuffs.. ”and beamed and continued with her hullabaloo.

Either she concocted the answer on her own or Abang had properly tutored her because the words rang familiar. Last time Abang would always answer the same way when I questioned his needs to be loud/buy loads of toys/extremely rambunctious. Once after he answered the customary, “ I like to have fun, Mum ” and I gave him a look that borders from bewilderment to disbelief, he sighed and explained like he would to a younger person, “ Mum…. Kids like to have fun, Mum. We like to play and play bising – bising. It is what kids do. Or it would be very boring….. We must have fun !”.
Hmmmm….. have I totally forgotten my childhood ?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Burung murai, sayang

I love the Raya Petronas advertisement and very much humbled and inspired by it. You know……, “ Burung apa tu bah ? ” being asked over and over again and the patient “ Burung murai, nak ” from the father repeatedly. What a test of love and tolerance and I was determined to be like that so that when Abang became very abrupt and condescending towards me when I am old, I can tell him how patient I was with him without blushing because it is all true, yeah ?

Opportunity arose yesterday when in the car Abang complained that his sister is annoying him. “ Sabarlah, nak. ” Said I, very zen like.

“ Mum… she is annoying me…. ” came the complaint again.

“ Sabarlah, nak ” said me again.

“ Mummy she is blah, blah, blah… ”

“ Sabarlah, nak ”. I smiled sweetly at my husband, trying to show how patient I have become.

“ Mumm….. ”

“ Sabarlah, nak ”. I was on auto mode already.

At that time, Abang has had enough.

“ Stop saying that. I got the point already… ”.

Amboi….!! Belum apa – apa lagi dah tak sabar dengan mak dia. Uiihhhh….. sabarlah tangan ni……

Monday, November 05, 2007

How we spent our Sunday

Pagi – pagi hantar Abang to his tennis lesson. Babah, Mummy and Adik pegi mana lagi but Cili Merah for breakfast ( according to Babah’s mum, they now frequent Cili Merah every morning since Adik refused to have her roti canai anywhere else ).Abang's coach came to us and said that next year he is enrolling Abang in tennis tournaments. He mentioned that to me during raya already but I am still skeptical. Abang was excited, though.

“ Kat mana coach ? ” he asked.

“ Haa ? Kat mana ? ” asked the coach back.

“ Kat US ke ? ” Mak aiihh…. Dia buat dah si Abang ni.

“ Dulu dia nak masuk tournament kat Australia coach…. ” said Mummy malu – malu.

“ Waa ha ha ha ha….!! ” That came from the coach.

“ KL dulu Abang… KL dulu… ” said he, between gulps of laughter.

He he…..

Then Babah got very hulk like when his office called and ordered him to work. So the ones who were left at home had to make other plans. Why don’t we go and buy some food and then holed ourselves up in the room, air-cond blaring on high watching ghost movie ?

Yippee !! Everbody was nervously ecstatic ( we were excited but none of us are really that brave ). Then Adik tertidur. Then Mummy got heavy lidded too. Then Aunty Amelia sms-ed to remind us that we were invited to her house. Since we were not even peckish, Mummy said why don’t we just eat at Aunty Melia’s house ? Abang said okay ( food is not very high on his agenda anyway ).

Then Babah got home. Yeah… pegi rumah Amir !! Adik then enquired about cerita hantu. Babah said after rumah Amir, we can go and get some scary dvds. Went home at 7.30, sembahyang maghrib, watched Blade while waiting for Isyak. After Isyak, Babah still clad in his kain baring sat. Abang baring sebelah Babah and before we know it was off to slumberland. It was 8.30. By 8.45 Mummy realised Babah was snoring. Biar benar depa ni ?

Adik though was restless. She was turning left and right while watching CSI and sedaq – sedaq, si kecik tu pun dah tiduq. Mummy fought valiantly trying to get to the end of CSI. As soon as the credits rolled in she succumbed to her fatigue and slept soundly.

By 6 am, everybody was awake. The first thing Adik said when she mamai-ing opened her eyes, “ Bila nak bayar cd hantu Mummy ? ” Hmm… tonight babe, tonight. If we are not asleep by 7 that is…

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Babies are stupid

We were having breakfast at G Hotel ( don’t ever stay there. It is rubbish. RM 400 over for nothing… seriously ) in Penang and I was eating some excellent cheese from the cheese board. I asked Abang to try it and he of course refused, saying that he doesn’t like cheese.

Mum : But you used to like cheese Abang.

Abang : When I was a baby ? Well, I changed my mind.

Mum : Dulu when we were in Belgium, we would take some cheese from the buffet and feed you with it while we tour the city. You loved it… ( said I while waving the cheese in his direction ).

Abang : Mum, babies they do not know anything. They just eat what people give them because they don’t know how to taste. They eat and eat because they do cannot smell.

Mum : Oh ?

Abang : Mum… babies are so stupid. They just eat what people give them...
