Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Unsuccessful Ploy

I read an article on a mother’s experience with a very inquisitive child. After I read it, I was relieved to know that I am not the only mother who felt like wringing her child’s neck for asking too many questions. I learned that feeling tired with the barrages of questions is actually quite normal. Phew… !!

Is there an article for my son that explains maybe he should write all his questions and politely divide it equally between his parents to answer ? Two days ago he asked me about clouds. As I was ( still am ) suffering from an inflamed tonsil, I just shrugged my shoulders because talking hurts. However ( I promise you this is true ) I did make a mental note to explain it all to him when I am better. However…

Umar : The clouds are made of water Mum, don’t you know ?

I gave him a look that says if you already know it, why did you ask me ? Then he proceeded to tell me authoritatively about the cycle of rain… Why ? Why did you ask me if you already know the answer ? Do you want me to confirm what you know ? Or do you want to check if your mother knows everything ?

Elsa loves eggs. Unlike Umar who abhors it, Elsa loves them. Morning, noon and night, that is her menu of choice. Since she developed this affair with eggs, Dan and I hadn’t had eggs with our nasi goreng, mee bandung or any dish that consists of eggs because she would take them away from our plates.

I have made a few attempts to curb her intake ( cholesterol, don’t you know ? ). The most recent one, I tried the vanity angle. Everytime she kisses me, I would say that she smells of eggs.

Mum : Eee…. Busuknya. Bau tulur….

Elsa : Ye ke ? Bau tulur ke ? Okay, Titi lap okay ?

She wiped her mouth with her baju. Then she tried again with more kisses.

Mum : Eeeuuww….. bau tulur lah… Disgusting Titi….

Elsa : Okay Mummy, Titi pegi basuh mulut okay….

Then she walked to the toilet and washed her mouth ( this will take quite sometime because washing her mouth is coupled with playing with the water… kill 2 birds with one stone as they say ).

Mum : ( after kissing her again ) Bau lah Ti…

Elsa : (sighed) Mummy kiss rambut Titi lah… my hair okay Mum ?

Mum : Urgghh…. Baunya…
I don’t know why she puts up with it. Probably she wants to be known as the best person to kiss ever.

Mum : Titi toksah makan telur lah……

Elsa : Toksah makan tulur ? Tak boleh ke Mum ? Makan ikan goreng saja ?

Mum : Haaa… okaylah. Ikan is good…

Elsa : What about roti canai ?

Mum : That is good choice too… no smell what-so-ever….

I beamed, thinking my ploy had work.

Elsa : I know, I know… Ice cream kan Mum smell so nice…. Titi makan ice cream lah…

Mum : ?????

Elsa : Yes… Titi makan ice-cream… Babah.. pegi ambik ice cream for me…. Mummy bagi..

Mum : Cess….. back fired…


Anonymous said...

huwa hahaha kalau satu hari anak ko phobia dgn tulur...sapa yang susah?? dapat pulak hubby yang hantu tulur...huhuhu

Den Farid said...

dont underestimate budak2 era baru nie...