Rupanya, membaca juga boleh membawa kepada kesusahan..... Maybe I should vet the newspapers first before he reads them ?
I found quite a lot of mothers lamenting about their children talking or asking about sex.. or things that associated with sex. I have written this entry like 2 weeks before, left it hanging for some reason, and now well…. just to let the mothers out there know that I have not been spared from this predicament too.
*Neither did my dad. I once asked him what a virgin means, after listening to good ol’ Madonna, the robber of innocence. His stunned face and very rigid head shake made me reached for my dictionary. Ha….. but it didn’t properly satisfy my curiosity though. Dictionary.. I should have reached for the encyclopaedia… Although do not think the Children’s Encyclopaedia Britannica would want to discuss the topic much, or indeed at all.
In my observation, nowadays children are exposed to sex at a very young age. Once, we opened the door to our room to see Abang and Adik playing Wii. “Were you guys having sex ?” Abang asked dengan selamba badaknya, his concentration on the game did not waver at all, like he just asked us “Were you guys shampooing your hair ?”
Ha…. Saja nak kena belasah.
“Where did you learn to ask us that ?”
“Friends….” Was the teary replied.
Just to let you know, Friends as in Monica and Chandler and Ross and Pheobe and Rachel and Joey have been banned. For 1 day. Because Mummy cannot live without her repeats of Friends.
Well you see there is no point banning Friends because other shows talked about sex too. And for some reason, yeah it is a very beguiling subject to children.
Well probably because it is talked about with hushed tones, or it is usually implied instead of spoken out loud. So I think that piqued their interest more than anything. You know how sexier it is wearing a tight baju kebaya than a full frontal nudity ? He he… probably… I dunno. Am not male.
Like one day we were watching “What About Jim”. I have totally forgotten what the storyline was but they kept calling sex ‘IT’, in the context like after IT or do you want IT or whatever lah but IT was mentioned a lot and I didn’t realize that the little people who weren’t in the joke could get so annoyed for not knowing what IT really was.
“What is IT ?” Abang asked out loud, frustration obvious by his tightly clenched fist, after like the thousandth IT was mentioned by Jim Belushi and co.
He he….
And since he likes to ask, I ran away before he put me in the spot.
Another time when he put us both in trouble was when he talked about his favourite book, a detailed encyclopaedia on how the intestines and other organs in the stomach work. It is a very good book, using simple English and colourful pictures to explain the human body. Very unfortunate that I could not find the rest of the human body of that series as Abang is very interested in anatomy and therefore he reads the sole book cover to cover, many times over.
Anyway, apparently he brought the book to school last month or so, showing it to his regular kakis A, D1 and D2.
Oh, and this conversation happened in the car while his Babah was driving making it extremely difficult for us to run.
*Neither did my dad. I once asked him what a virgin means, after listening to good ol’ Madonna, the robber of innocence. His stunned face and very rigid head shake made me reached for my dictionary. Ha….. but it didn’t properly satisfy my curiosity though. Dictionary.. I should have reached for the encyclopaedia… Although do not think the Children’s Encyclopaedia Britannica would want to discuss the topic much, or indeed at all.
In my observation, nowadays children are exposed to sex at a very young age. Once, we opened the door to our room to see Abang and Adik playing Wii. “Were you guys having sex ?” Abang asked dengan selamba badaknya, his concentration on the game did not waver at all, like he just asked us “Were you guys shampooing your hair ?”
Ha…. Saja nak kena belasah.
“Where did you learn to ask us that ?”
“Friends….” Was the teary replied.
Just to let you know, Friends as in Monica and Chandler and Ross and Pheobe and Rachel and Joey have been banned. For 1 day. Because Mummy cannot live without her repeats of Friends.
Well you see there is no point banning Friends because other shows talked about sex too. And for some reason, yeah it is a very beguiling subject to children.
Well probably because it is talked about with hushed tones, or it is usually implied instead of spoken out loud. So I think that piqued their interest more than anything. You know how sexier it is wearing a tight baju kebaya than a full frontal nudity ? He he… probably… I dunno. Am not male.
Like one day we were watching “What About Jim”. I have totally forgotten what the storyline was but they kept calling sex ‘IT’, in the context like after IT or do you want IT or whatever lah but IT was mentioned a lot and I didn’t realize that the little people who weren’t in the joke could get so annoyed for not knowing what IT really was.
“What is IT ?” Abang asked out loud, frustration obvious by his tightly clenched fist, after like the thousandth IT was mentioned by Jim Belushi and co.
He he….
And since he likes to ask, I ran away before he put me in the spot.
Another time when he put us both in trouble was when he talked about his favourite book, a detailed encyclopaedia on how the intestines and other organs in the stomach work. It is a very good book, using simple English and colourful pictures to explain the human body. Very unfortunate that I could not find the rest of the human body of that series as Abang is very interested in anatomy and therefore he reads the sole book cover to cover, many times over.
Anyway, apparently he brought the book to school last month or so, showing it to his regular kakis A, D1 and D2.
Oh, and this conversation happened in the car while his Babah was driving making it extremely difficult for us to run.
“Mummy…. Dalam buku tu kan it shows right perempuan kan… the mothers kan ada eggs in their stomach. And then there are like million and millions of sperms swimming to the eggs…”
While I groaned inwardly, I could hear Babah stiffened. He he… Aiyoo lah… have you seen 2 more cowardly people than us ?
“The girl sperm is yellow and the boy sperm is orange…” Ha ? Ye ke ?
“And then kan….” He went on oblivious to the fact that he made his parents sweat like they were in the Sahara.
“Only one of the sperm can get in the egg… and then if it was the orange sperm, the egg will become a baby boy.. like me…. And if it was the yellow sperm, it will become a baby girl like Adik…”
Please stop, please stop, please stop… Please don’t ask me anything. Please don’t ask the obvious, please, please, please….
“But kan Mummy…. What we would like to know is, where did the sperm came from ? That was the question…..”
Alahai… alahai.. help me ! Help me ! Help me !
“Me and my friends kan have been thinking and thinking where the sperm came from … but we just don’t know !” He said with a laugh.
Can I just get away with keeping shtoom ? I have gotten into trouble before because of my inability to shut my trap so I should really have learnt my lesson by now.
“Do you know ?”
Errrk !
“Ummm…. Maybe it is in the mother’s body ? I don’t really know lah……”
“Yalah… we thought so too…. But from where ?”
Yeah… this is one scientific journey I am not going with you yet, okay ? You have to wait for your mammy to mature a bit.…. ha ha…
But then kan, why me ? Why can’t his Babah ?

Hehehehe Myra... now's your time, darling.. terimalah! selamat berpeluh jantan nak jawap soalan2 cepumas sedemikian!
Aunty May.... not just peluh jantan, betina and pondan pun keluaq sekali. How did you handle this with your children ? At least with Naj because I would think he would be the first to ask !
eh.. cepat la jawab soklan2 anak hang tuh.. pas tu post kat sini boleh aku jadikan panduan.. tehehehh
Konot... hang tak baca ka aku kena tunggu sampai aku mature dulu... Proses itu adalah sangat lambat... ha ha..
Aku rasa hang mature dulu dari aku so maybe hang yang nak kena tulung prep aku..
Aunty May dulu nasib baik never had to deal with such questions. Tak tau kenapa my kids were not inquisitive enough about sex and stuffs.
Aunty May... you are sooo lucky !
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