Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, April 02, 2010

My wee girl...

Adik and her Disney diary book. Sibuk nar nak diary. Her eyes positively lit up when she saw the lock attached to the diary. He he.... Teringat my own when I was a teenager. Because of the flimsy lock that came with it, I changed it into a real metal padlock. There were loads of stuffs about Kamil kan.... ha ha.. like how dreamy he looked, or how we held hands that day ... Auwwwww... So I had to take an extreme measure for Kamil's own safety....
Anyway Bapak aku terbuntang mata nengok padlock tu. Tak puas hati giler dia. "Awat teruk sangat ni, hey ?" He asked, shaking the book, the lock jiggling with every shake. "Tulih apa ni ?" And after that, I sometimes saw him eyeing the book longingly. Huh, now I know ropa-ropanya dialah yang paling aktif baca diari aku. Tak boleh percaya langsung !
Back to present time, this wee one pun dapat-dapat terus tulih. My hubby was craning his neck to see what she wrote. He he..... Hai... My father always say that I will get what I deserve !
Err... Bapak please take that back !!!
Ya Allah please spare me from..... mini me !!!

Whenever there is time, she would open it up and start scribbling. She allowed me to read the first few entries. The very first one was "Today is the best week ever !" Hah ! Dah today, awat lak week ? Mummy terus pangkah !! Diary pun tak selamat from your mother's grammar policing, okay ?
Anyway, a few hours after reading it, she asked, "Mummy, is a diary supposed to be special ?" Err..... I suppose so. "Is it supposed to be a secret ?" Hmmmm............... well..... it could be (I was reluctant to tell the truth sebab takut satgi dia tak mo bagi baca... he heh). "Then..... why did you read my diary ? You cannot read it anymore !!!" Dah..... jadi dah... start dah.....

But... Mummy is very adept at pujuk memujuk so she let me read it again. Imagine the mirth welling inside me when I saw this ;

"Ohh... this book is not a secret book. Everybody can read this...." I announced. She wasn't happy to hear that of course. "Why ?" He he.... "Because this is a milk book... See.. dairy book... Not diary !!" KAH KAH KAH KAH !
I had wanted to see if she wrote about why she was so scared of the Disney characters. I dunno where she got the idea that they are gonna eat her. I know she was scared of the A&W bear but that was when she was 2-3 ! My baby girl was only comfortable with Pooh, okay. She was even scared of the princesses.

See ?

Not in the picture. She was present in our family picture with Mickey but even that one she was quite far off from him.

Not here either eventhough this guy looked very human.

Scared of Terk too (all this while I thought his/her name was Turd.. My bad....)

And Buzz ! He is the good guy okay ? I would have understood if it was Zorg !

Look at this ! Crouching during the boat ride in Safari Land. Mat Salleh kat sebelah was so amused, they took her picture. She was scared of this;

Burning cave.

She was even more spooked with the smokes. When I asked why, she said she was scared of being burnt.
Hmm... I thought Abang was the Safety Inspector in the family. Apparently it rubbed on her, too.
But.... funny story about her..
Abang was tired of trooping around Fantasyland. When we approached Abang and Babah who were sitting outside the loo we visited, Abang announced, "It is my turn now ! I want to go to Adventureland !". The little missy tired with Abang's constant whining probably answered with, "Yeah, yeah.. whatever !"
Almost immediately we heard a shout of laughter and it came from the mat salleh sitting next to Abang. He was laughing and giving fond looks at Adik. OMG ! Babah and I was soooo embarrassed. "She is precious, isn't she ?" He asked. I was at lost for words, I couldn't think of anything to say so I just smiled at him. And as we walked, I gave her one smart smack on her bum.
Maybe she wrote about it in her diary. I had better check !

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