Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Anak Mak

“Mummy… my teacher kata kan, kalau kita tak defa… defe… defacate… yup, defecate kan nanti our body will be filled with toxins !”

“Defecate ? Really ?”

”Yeah…. Defecate….. Why ?”

“Well…. nothing…good word but to see you struggling, wouldn’t it be easier if your teacher uses passing motion…?”

He nodded his head vigorously.

“Itulah… Teachers sometimes saja je use all these difficult words that I cannot say kan Mummy ? Macam saja je kan… ? Saja je nak susah kan orang kan… There are other easier words to use but my teacher use this one yang susah saya nak cakap kan ?”

Pulak.…. No lah… I didn’t mean it that way…. I am just saying that since susah sangat nak sebut… sigh…well… never mind lah…

My bad. Please…. Defecate is a good word. Use that.

When we watched Cirque Du Freak, oh like last week, we took the 8.30 show. Adik of course slept during the movie. Babah had to carry her out of the cinema but then had to put her down when he went to the loo. Abang and I was busy discussing the movie when I noticed Adik’s sleepy face.

“Awww….. you missed it didn’t you ? You slept ?”

She smiled ruefully, and went, “Yeah, I was tired….”

Then I said, “Well you missed a good movie. It was really fun !”

“Well actually, I saw a bit….masa mula-mula….” She answered, nose scrunched, head nodding, mega cute.

I dunno why she looked so cute. I mean, it was just a normal answer, she wasn’t quoting Shakespeare or whatever but she looked super, duper gorgeous when she said that.

Anak mak…. mak je yang boleh appreciate...

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