Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Masa power cut...

We had a power cut yesterday.

The air was sticky and hot and everybody was in a bad mood.

Babah came home with candles. The kids had a lovely time watching the flames danced in the dark.

It is exam week and Adik had a nice time reading and doing her revision by the candlelight. I am sure adik lebih jepada berangan-angan at the novelty of doing that dari study. Abang though was all hot and bothered, and takut I am sure because he stayed close to Mummy.

I went up to bathe and sembahyang. The kids followed closely. Abang was lying on the bed and Adik was in the family room, trying to get some cool air from the opened door. I put the candle next to my sejadah.

“Mum… don’t put it there….” He warned.

“What ?”

“The candle ! I am so scared if you are going to catch fire !”

“No lah… Jauh ni….”

“Mum…. Please be careful… I will watch for the candle as you pray lah….”


True to his words, he didn’t move from his position. I could feel his stares as I did my 3 rakaat.

As soon as I gave my final salam, he said, “Mum… please lipat your telekung now because it can catch fire….”

Aiyoo ! Yelah ! Yelah !

We joined Elsa outside. I sat next to her on the daybed while Abang showed me sort of macam concert dia buat kat sekolah. It so happened I started coughing as soon as he opened his mouth but that didn’t deter him from performing. He kept on with it, pausing respectfully when I coughed louder than his singing until Adik naughtily went,

“Abang…." She said grinning “…. I don’t think she likes your singing very much… She is still coughing…” her thumbs pointing at me happily.

Abang went “ Hey ! Adik ni !”

And I miraculously stopped coughing !

Keh keh !

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