Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Everybody makes mistakes, Ti !

Ha ha… after berhu-ha hu-ha at my brother’s house (birthday party Alisha), things were tensed in the car on the way home. Itule… Tok Mi selalu pesan, “Jangan dok gelak2 sangat….. Karang nangis.” (In fact Dan likes to say that to me and my siblings a lot. Bila kita org gelak2 lebih sikit je… mula le keluar suara dia bagi warning. Adik2 aku dulu selalu looked at each other and then then tambah gelak double kuat. Lepas tu mula lah “Apalah abang Dan… jealous ke ?” Dan kemudian bertekak le si Rashdan dengan sesiapa antara kami berlapan…).

It was a good party because my brother had to give Umar a towel to wipe himself off his peluh. We had to that to him 3 times. Gila…. So on the journey home, Dan rolled down all 4 windows.

Entah macamana as he rolled them up again, at the same time Elsa pressed the window control down and the window on Elsa’s side became stucked midway. Angin lah orang tua tu. We went in my car pulak tu and everybody knows how notoriously incompetent Proton’s windows are. Bok bek, bok bek, bok bek si Rashdan berleter. Elsa remained quiet, as usual. That Ice-Queen. Umar would have been bowled over with tears but she remained composed.

Luckily we were able to put it to right back when we got home. I entered the house first and went straight up the stairs. My children were behind me.

“Do you feel bad, Ti ?” I heard Umar asked. I turned around and saw him hugging his sister by the shoulders. I looked away. I wanted to give them some privacy… he he…

I suppose Elsa nodded her head because Umar said, “It’s okay, Ti. Everybody makes mistakes. You didn’t mean it, kan ? Everybody makes mistakes. Okay, Ti ?”

And baru tu lah aku dengar anak aku nangis. I switched in the lights in their room and tengok2 both are naked and ready for an 11pm bath… Abang pimpin tangan adik masuk bathroom.

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