Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I blame it on the telly

It is quite a challenge to teach our children our Islamic values nowadays, it being a science and technology era and all ( read, television is essential to our lives as the air to breathe ). We constantly have to fight to make our Islamic values heard in the midst of the noise of the telly and games consoles.

Last month, my son told me that celebrities do not eat. Celebrities ? “ Yes, ”said Abang. “ They cannot eat. Why ? ” Excactly, why ? Apparently he got it from Mrs Fosters Home for Imaginary Friend, and Blue, the fiendish blue coloured imaginary friend became a celebrity and was refused food. Okay, how do I explain this to him ? Especially since I keep teasing how chubby he looks and he absolutely loved it. He would laugh delightedly when I called him fat. Would he still laugh when I explained that celebrities have this stupid notion that stick thin is beautiful and therefore starve themselves to look good ? How can I explain while not turning him into a 7 year old anorexic ?

Then on Tuesday I was preparing for work and since there is no school, Abang and Adik was perched on our bed watching cartoons after our Subuh prayer. When I put on my top, Abang asked, “ Why are you wearing that Mum ? Are you going to work ? ” After Adik asking me to change my clothes the other day, I was rather indignant. “ Excuse me, this is a long sleeved baju, okay. ”

“ No Mummy, it looks like a Chinese baju…” He said. True enough, it is a pink cheongsam inspired blouse. “ Yes it is and it is okay for work…, ” I said, thinking how critical can my children get. ZAdik all the while was too absorbed with the cartoon and was not giving us any heed. My son then gave me his lovely grin that I love so much and said, “ You look nice Mummy…” nodding his head happily. I beamed at him before he added, “ Nice and sexy…”. My smile faded but my son was still nodding his approval.

“ What is sexy, baby ? ” I asked cautiously, not really sure that I want to hear his explaination. He pondered for awhile before saying “ It means pretty…” I went to him and said, “ No it is not. You have to be careful with the words you use because it could come out wrongly..” At that his face fell. “ I am sorry Mummy….” He said. My face went a few degrees lower. He was so happy just now, proudly thinking that he had done the right thing and here came his awful Mummy pulling him straight down into the dumps. I smiled again, kissed him and thanked him for the compliment he so generously bestowed upon me.

Then yesterday at dawn, I was rushing to buka puasa, sembahyang Maghrib and organizing my kids for prayers. Babah went to play football straight from work. The three of us prayed and at the end when it is time for doa, Abang was hesitant. “ Mum, do I have to doa ? ” he asked. I looked at him, my palms already upwards, ready to seek forgiveness from my Maker. “ You don’t need anything ? ” I asked. “ Well, my exams dah habis….” I sighed. Maybe it is too much to ask from a 7 year old.

Since I was born with a funny bone and a serial teaser from small, I mischievously asked, “ You do not want to ask for a bike or anything then ? ” My face smiley and playful. He sat down again, contemplated for a while then said, “ It is okay lah Mummy. I will ask for a bike when I next see a wishing star…………” Ternganga lah emak yang Melayu ni. He either got it from the telly or from his Enid Blyton… Payah….

Monday, August 20, 2007

A crowded arts class

Amir and Alesya ( my niece from my eldest brother ) decided to join Abang and Adik’s art class. Mummy reminded everybody that it starts at 11.30 am and described the location. Apparently she gave the right location to Ibu Amir and the wrong one to Ibu Alesya. Alesya ended up going to another art school for half an hour before joining Abang, Adik and now Amir.

The boys sat together at the front and the girls together at the back. Amelia observed that the girls were socializing with each other, talking and admiring each other’s work. The boys though were quiet. As we sat looking at the boys, Abang and Amir were quietly regarding each other. No smiles exchanged what-so-ever, just looking. Probably they were just sizing each other up…

Aiman, Rafidah’s daughter was also there. He had started the class much earlier and was already a pro. Ibu Amir and Mummy went to him to say hello and squeezed his cheeks. As we were leaving him, Mummy saw Abang talking to him. And when we returned to the sofa, he had already joined Abang and Amir’s table.

“ Look Mum… “ said Abang excitedly, “ 6 years old, 5 years old and 7 years old “.

Mummy laughed. She laughed harder when Abang, Amir and Aiman were silently checking each other up. Apa hal ?
Anyway, the girls were realky whiny. " Teacher, I want to paint !! " " Teacher, mine is not pretty .. " or " Teacher, let me do it.. " Tecaher this and teacher that. Coupled with Yana ( Alesya's sister ) cryings, the teacher had had enough. " Aiyoo.... don't call teacher so much aaa... teacher is going crazy already..... ".
Waa ha ha ha ha... !!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Go change Mum !!

This morning too as usual Adik watched the telly as I prepared myself for work. I was putting on a sleeveless number when Adik called me.

Mummy : Yes ?

Adik : Why are you wearing that ?

Mummy : What ?

Adik : Are you going to sleep, Mummy ?

Mummy : No, I am going to work.

Adik : Mum… that baju is not for work. Go change, Mum.

It must be my sleeveless shirt. So I put on my cardigan, and gave a little twirl. She beamed.

Adik : That is better, Mum.

To test her theory, I kissed her goodbye, took my keys and headed for the door. She screamed.

Adik : Mummy !! Your kepala !!!

Ha ha… I snapped up my tudung and blew her a kiss.

Mummy : See you later, alligator.

Adik : In a while, croco-dial.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Adik’s Piano Class

After much pleading and whining on Adik’s part and asking and enquiring on mine, Juliette, the lovely and very helpful administrator of the music school, found a piano teacher willing to teach my 3 and a half, unschooled daughter. Last Saturday was her first class.

On the way to class, I asked her many, many times if this is what she really wants. Her eyes were glazed when she said, “ Yes, sure… “. Hmmm….. When we got there, 30 minutes early as usual, her teacher Dahlia was not there yet. At 10.30 Abang went to his class and it was just Adik and I waiting at the corridor.

Then I saw a girl peeking at us from the lobby. I looked at her and resumed my reading. Then I saw her peeking at us again and started hesitantly at us. “ Are you Abang's mother ? “ She asked. I said yes and she said she is Dahlia, Abang’s sister’s teacher.

I took a good look at her. She is still a baby herself, fresh from school and oh so cute. I like it. From her kind face and demeanour, I know she will be patient with my daughter.
“ She really wants this. She has been pestering me and I asked Juliette and she said too young until last month she said she found someone who is willing to try, “ said I. She smiled and told me not to worry.

She took Adik’s hand and led her to Studio 5. When the door closed, I fidgeted. I heard her talking to Adik and Adik answering back. I resisted the urge to peek at the little window.

Then I heard the key being pressed and another and another. I looked. She was teaching Adik the fingering. I went back to my bench and waited. I do not know for what, but I just waited. Then I suddenly heard Twinkle Twinkle Little Star being played. Uh – uh. I peeked again and heard my daughter happily singing. Adik usually pretended playing that song on the piano. I just knew she asked the teacher to play it for her.

When I looked again, Dahlia was showing Adik the C-key. She in turn pointed at the A on the piano lid that spelt the piano's maker and said that is an A. Dahlia had to cover the letterings with her hand. I ran.

Abang came out of the class and eagerly asked about his sister. We then waited. When they finally came out, they were holding hands. Adik had a happy look on her face and Dahlia a more cautious one. I was wavering from disappointment and hopeful.

Dahlia : She is small, it will take a long time to teach her.. But she is cute and adorable… ( and squeezed Adik’s cheek ).

Me : I know. But she wanted it so much I just had to ask. Juliette did ask me to join in the Junior Music Class but I can’t because my son has a class at that time.

Dahlia : Yeah, that programme is very good. It is really going to be very slow with her. She needs a fun class with a lot of music. Let me give you the book…

Me : I know it will take long. I have no expectations. I am just happy that somebody is willing to teach, that is all.

She smiled. I like her. When I wanted to pay for Adik’s fees, Juliette said she would talk to Dahlia first. Aaa….. I want to pay because when money is exchanged everything is already assured. I do not want to go next week, my little girl all happy and then, they changed their minds… Waaa………….

I know she is expecting to go back to her music class next week. Hmmm….Like her art class. Adik enjoys her arts class. she would wake up excited every Saturday morning. Even Ivy got caught up with Adik’s enthusiasm. “ Your daughter aaaa is so cute. She is very interested in painting. Using crayons aaa she is okay only but when painting aaa, aiyoo… she would go hahaha and hohoho while she paints.
When I apologized for not sending Umar to her on Tuesdays for extra Mandarin, she told me it is fine. Whenever I am ready, she said. Then she added, “ Start next year also can. Maybe Adik can join in Mandarin together lah with Abang…. “. You want to teach my daughter Mandarin, I asked. I was shocked because Adik is certainly a handful. “ Yesss….. She is cute lah. Aiyaa… so fun to have her … “ she said. Really aaaa ? You don’t get rimas aaa when she calls you all the time ?
" Okaylah Ivy... Thank you. "

Friday, August 03, 2007

Abang's Sembahyang Camp

Yesterday we had a missive from Abang’s school. Babah who read it said tomorrow ( today le tuh ) is Solat Camp. Students were advised to wear slippers and songkok ( for boys ) and bring a small bag with 2 fresh writing books, pencil case and colour pencils. I did not read the memo. I relied on my husband for the information. So this morning Abang went to school in his baju PJ ( Thursday is his PJ ), songkok and slippers, carrying a small bag with all the stuffs.

I car-pooled with Babah today so this morning after a long time, I sent my boy to school. As we walked to the school compound, I noticed all boys were dressed in their usual uniform. None wore slippers or have a songkok on their head. Oh – oh. When I told Babah about it, he panicked. “ Takpe lah, “ Said I, “ Let’s see how he handles the situation….. ".

My conversation with Abang, en-route to school, was of course focused on his sembahyang etiquette. I lectured on how important for him to sembahyang correctly and therefore have to pay real attention to what his Babah was doing when we pray together and how embarrassed I would be if his teacher tested him and he failed. “ He would think that we are a family of irreverents. “

He gave his customary “ Yes Mummy “ and “ I know Mum “ and “ Okay, Mummy “.

By 1 pm, Babah called me up to ask me to give his son a call. “ I just want to check if he dressed correctly to school and if he was in trouble… “. Okay.

Abang : Hai Mummy.

Mummy : Hai sayang. How was school ?

Abang : Oh hari ni just tulis – tulis je. I got all right Mummy.

Mummy : Really ? That’s nice. Were you in trouble ? Because just now I saw everybody else pakai kasut sekolah and bawak normal bag sekolah.

Abang : Tak de apa – apa pun.

Mummy : So hari ni tak belajar sembahyang ?

Abang : Hari ni ustaz test ambik wuduk. Ustaz nak tengok siapa yang tak tahu.

Mummy : Well… how did you do ?

Abang : Abang Cuma salah dekat kaki ….

Mummy : Itulah. I told you many times about the way you ambik wuduk at your kaki. I told you kan you have to use your hand to sapukan air tu to your kaki…. Blah blah blah. Nag nag nag…

Until I was interrupted by …

Abang : Okay Mum. I love you. Bye ! Toot. Toooot. Tooot…

Cess… he hang up on me….

Tak tahan kena leter lah tu. Dah besarnya anak aku.