I had to pick up my children from school yesterday. Elsa first. She happily showed me a Viennese style mask she made that day. In the car she started chatting. So many stories happened in that school okay, kalah Desperate Housewives. But the one that stick to my head is this,
“Tadi kan.. A**** pegi dapur lepas tu dia mi-NUM … Maksudnya dia tak puasa lah tu Mummy ….”
He he.... The scandalous tone is precious. Okaylah, I shouldn't encourage gossiping but she is oh so cute..
We waited for Abang at the usual place. She was jumping happily about, singing ‘Don’t go breaking my heart’.
“What does that mean, breaking my heart ?”
“I don’t know…” Then, “What does it mean, Mummy ? Do you know ?” she asked, closing the distance between us. I looked down at her while she looked up at me.
“It means make you sad and upset. Like kalau Babah ada girlfriend, Babah is breaking my heart (I know, I know… banyak example lain but at that particular moment, I can only think of that). Kalau Titi and U-um tak puasa… you will breaking my heart too…”
“What ?” She gasped. “Will you die if Babah break your heart ? Because heart is important kan Mummy ?” Macam pernah ada discussion ni dengan abang dia aje… But did you notice she only mentioned Babah doing the heart breaking thing and made no references of her and her abang ?
“Oh, Mummy !” She said dramatically and hugged me. “Please don’t break your heart because I love you sooooo much. And also because you are a good cooker…”
“Cook…” Mummy corrected.
“Cook….” She said, head still on my tummy.
Ha ha..
When the bell rang, she put on her mask and made strange noises. One girl stood in front of my daughter and looked at her. I in turn looked at that girl worriedly. She was huge, almost my height and with a wider girth. I didn’t know what to expect but luckily her father came. My daughter was oblivious to all this and kept on with the strange noises.
A beautiful girl, a prefect at that with lovely hair in a neat bob, nice and kind face smiled at my daughter from afar, with an amused look. She waved and my daughter returned it happily and yelled, “Good bye !”
I who was struck by her beauty and her kindness and her friendliness, put a hand on my chest and asked Elsa for her identity.
“I don’t know. Kawan Umar…”
“Yelah… sapa nama ?” Mummy presses.
“I don’t know !”
Alahai... boleh buat menantu ni.... Takpa... banyak masa nak check…
“Tadi kan.. A**** pegi dapur lepas tu dia mi-NUM … Maksudnya dia tak puasa lah tu Mummy ….”
He he.... The scandalous tone is precious. Okaylah, I shouldn't encourage gossiping but she is oh so cute..
We waited for Abang at the usual place. She was jumping happily about, singing ‘Don’t go breaking my heart’.
“What does that mean, breaking my heart ?”
“I don’t know…” Then, “What does it mean, Mummy ? Do you know ?” she asked, closing the distance between us. I looked down at her while she looked up at me.
“It means make you sad and upset. Like kalau Babah ada girlfriend, Babah is breaking my heart (I know, I know… banyak example lain but at that particular moment, I can only think of that). Kalau Titi and U-um tak puasa… you will breaking my heart too…”
“What ?” She gasped. “Will you die if Babah break your heart ? Because heart is important kan Mummy ?” Macam pernah ada discussion ni dengan abang dia aje… But did you notice she only mentioned Babah doing the heart breaking thing and made no references of her and her abang ?
“Oh, Mummy !” She said dramatically and hugged me. “Please don’t break your heart because I love you sooooo much. And also because you are a good cooker…”
“Cook…” Mummy corrected.
“Cook….” She said, head still on my tummy.
Ha ha..
When the bell rang, she put on her mask and made strange noises. One girl stood in front of my daughter and looked at her. I in turn looked at that girl worriedly. She was huge, almost my height and with a wider girth. I didn’t know what to expect but luckily her father came. My daughter was oblivious to all this and kept on with the strange noises.
A beautiful girl, a prefect at that with lovely hair in a neat bob, nice and kind face smiled at my daughter from afar, with an amused look. She waved and my daughter returned it happily and yelled, “Good bye !”
I who was struck by her beauty and her kindness and her friendliness, put a hand on my chest and asked Elsa for her identity.
“I don’t know. Kawan Umar…”
“Yelah… sapa nama ?” Mummy presses.
“I don’t know !”
Alahai... boleh buat menantu ni.... Takpa... banyak masa nak check…

Hey not allowed oK? Bukan you dah agree ke nak berbesan dengan I?
Alamak... lupa... Ha ha... Your daughters are prettier than that prefect... so okaylah... Ha ha...
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