Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Alahai anak ku Adik…

3 weeks ago, Adik's piano teacher got a new student, a boy about 7 – 8 years old. This boy usually would barge in the class even though my daughter was still in there. Anyway, on his first day, I was waiting for Adik outside but she didn’t emerged. After 5 minutes I went to check on her and found her watching the boy playing his piece.

" Itu abang.. " she said.

" Oh really ? " was my reply.

" Yes… he is my boyfriend… "


I of course told on her to her Babah. Babah was amused.

" Adik ada boyfriend ? " Babah asked.

She smiled and started to swing her body left and right.

" Ha… abang…. " .

Okay, okay…. Mummy dah panic. There was another person who was not amused. Her own abang.

" Adik… you cannot have a boyfriend. Only teenagers can have boyfriends !! You are still a baby !!
" Babah and I went quiet. Both of us looked at Adik. She stopped her body swing, eyes wide looking at Abang

" Ha ?? " Was all she said.

Last Saturday we went to piano class again. This time Tok Mi followed us. When Adik came out of her class, I asked her, " Was that your boyfriend ? "

She of course smiled and said yes.

" My boyfriend is abang, Tok. " She informed my mum.

Before my mother could reply, her own abang hissed, “ Adik !! You are so embarrassing !! People is going to laugh at you. You are a baby !! “

Haa… luckily I have Abang at hand to deal with her in 10 years time when she starts giving me boys’ problems.

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