Abang and Adik are angels of Encik Kamil and Cik Puan Kamil.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Kertas Bahasa Melayu anak ku

Abang had his exams last month. I coached him in science and Bahasa Arab. For Bahasa Malaysia I only drilled him on spellings and stressed on the importance of capital letters for names.

A week after that he showed us his BM paper. Haaii………………

On the ‘ Bina Ayat ‘ section, they have a few pictures as subject. The first one was a picture of a shirt. Umar’s ayat was ‘ Baju ini bersih.’ Okay. Well actually that was the only okay part. From number 2 till 6, he only received 1 mark each out of the allocated 2. Beside a picture of a horse, Abang wrote ‘ Kuda itu membawa berlari.’ There was a red slash on the word membawa. Picture three was of a boy who was taking his bath. My clever son wrote ‘ Budak itu sedang membawa mandi ‘. What is his obessession with the word membawa and again there was a red slash on the membawa. The fourth one again had a slash at you guess where when he wrote ‘ Itik itu membawa berenang ‘. Ada ke ?

I asked him what is the meaning of the word. He shrugged his shoulders and said “ Entah. ”. I was lost for words. “ Membawa maksudnya bring, Abang." explained his Babah. My son’s face lit up. “ Oh, like bawak ?"

Waaahhhh !!!!!!!

Next page’s instruction was to fill in the blanks with the words given.

Nenek saya harum.

Big fat cross there.

Bunga itu tua.

Again a cross there.

What happened Abang ? Why nenek harum ? Well, said my son, Wan sometimes sprays perfume and she does smell nice. Pulak.

Why is the bunga tua then ?

Well, bunga kan when did not get enough water and sun, will get all brown and yucky. That is when it is old mum.

Okay, how can I do this ?


liadevega said...

Because your son thinks in English. That's why bila translate jadi kelakar... alot of practice will solve the problem I guess.

Anonymous said...

Best la baca kertas BM Umar. Next time, tolong la scan the paper and post here again .. hehe

Sheik said...

Umar membawa saya terkenang,iaitu membawa zaman sekolah rendah saya dulu. Saya pernah membawa exam BM dengan membawa jawapan lebih kurang sama.Exam membawa soalan: isikan tempat kosong dengan penjodoh bilangan yang sesuai: Saya makan _____ nasi.

Saya membawa jawapan: Saya makan sekeping nasi.

Cik Puan Kamil said...

Aduih lah sheik, comment mu mambawa sakit ke kepala ku sebab nak tahan gelak.

And untuk request Melayu Belanda tuh, tak nak lah scan... sebab seram sejuk setiap kali jumpa kertas tu